Monday, December 15, 2008

That Big Freakin' Hydra

I have too many books. They're fuckin' everywhere, man. I can't get away from them, and for every one I read, two more reveal themselves from under my bed, or behind others books on shelves. It's like the Community of Books is a big freakin' hydra that won't die. And that's debilitating to your psyche, you know, because every time you want to feel that beautiful feeling of accomplishment, of progress, you discover something (more books whose existence were as yet unknown) and it totally reverses all that good shit, replacing it with futility, exhaustion, and an attraction to nihilism. That's not good.

But the Community of Books isn't like a normal hydra (normal as far as a mythical constructs go), because a normal hydra can be stopped by putting acid on the recently decapitated stumps, where heads were a moment before. In the realm of fantasy, that kills that shit right out, and no more heads pop up. So to defeat hydras, you just need a sword, some acid, and some courage. But to defeat the Community of Books Hydra, you need to stop people from writing new books, at least until you catch up to a meaningful position in the race. But that's not really possible; acid won't even help you here, even though just seems like it would help you in most situations (think about it). So you're stuck. You have to just keep reading. Maybe a stop in the purchase of books until a sufficient amount have been read is a good idea? But no, I'll still see the new books even if I don't own them. Sigh. Such is my life.

3 erotic poetry prompts:

kell December 16, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

do you want some of mine? mine are piling up in my linen closet, my shoe stacks, my cat's bed, and my dresser drawers. intimidating.

The Filthy Logician December 16, 2008 at 3:46 PM  

Oh no. It's Christmas Time and my birthday (or rather, was my birthday). The influx of new books this time a year is immeasurable. Additional books would end up as foot rests, toilet paper, and murder weapons.

Clifton December 16, 2008 at 8:11 PM  

I could buy you some Dave Barry books. Their infathomable awfulness would create a void which would disrupt the constant flow of new reading material. However, you'd have to be careful. Said void could also render you illiterate... somehow.